Professional Affiliations

Professional organizations provide scholars the community to grow, thrive, and advance. Further, they create opportunities to meet like-minded individuals who share similar goals, passions, and ideals. It is via communion that we marinate on our ideas in our efforts to change the world.

· American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

· Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

· Americans Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS)

· The American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)

· The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)

· American Psychological Association (APA)

· Centre de la Francophonie des Amériques

· Critical Race Studies in Education Association (CRSEA)

· International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS)

· Louisiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (LFLTA)

· Louisiana Historical Association (LHA)

· Modern Language Association (MLA)

· National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

· National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies (NAHLS)

· National Association of Multicultural Education (NAME)

· Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated- Iota Xi Sigma Chapter (Lafayette, La)